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Viewing history though a lens of faith

The above quote puts into words what the belief of a Christian historian is. Mr. Lewis knew exactly what he was talking about. To have a Christian worldview means to see the world through our faith and belief in Jesus Christ. It is the opposite of viewing the world with secular eyes. As Christians, we know that God has guided all of history and each and every thing that happened and is yet to happen is a part of His plan and will.

It is important to me to incorporate my Christian worldview into my study of history because I know for a fact that God created the world and people. History is largely the study of people. Therefore, without people, without their actions, emotions, and stories, we wouldn't have any history. No God, no history. When you view history through a lens of faith, you can begin to make connections. You can begin to see how God has woven each piece of the past into a rich tapestry that shows us how those who lived before us affected our lives today. We can also see God's handiwork in the intricacies and details of events like Henry VIII's six marriages, the Industrial Revolution, Manifest Destiny, etc. Even if we don't understand why things happened they way they did, we can trust that God was just as much in control then as He is now and will always be.


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