Clean slate
Hello all! It's been a few months but i'm back! Today, I want to talk about changes, specifically cleansing and purging. I'm going to be completely honest right now: I am AWFUL about being persistent with changes in my life. Any time things become difficult or stressful, I freak out and stop after a couple weeks. I almost always fall into a funk!
I recently decided to make a few changes and I'm trying to be as determined as possible to persevere. The first thing I did was take a social media break. I logged out of Facebook and Instagram and deleted TikTok (I wasn't planning on doing the last one but it turned out to be a huge waste of time so it's good I did so). I gotta say, not going on social media everyday is hard! It's only been 2 or 3 days but it feels like forever lol. I find myself clicking on the apps during the day and then I realize I'm logged out. It shows me just how reliant i'd become on social media and how soul sucking it was. I could just log back in but that would be counter productive. And I'm actually realizing that I don't need to be on my phone as often, I'm trying to enjoy moments instead of documenting them, and I'm picking up other hobbies like art and reading.
I'm also trying to make sure I get some movement/get outside everyday. Whether it's going in the pool or going on a walk, some movement is important to both my mental and physical health. It's really easy to stay inside, cooped up during quarantine. Additional to movement, i'm working on eating healthy.
I'm combining each of these things into an anagram: FTHS (pronounced fifths)
It stands for
I'm using this anagram to remind me to be INTENTIONAL about the things listed. They are the major things in my life that I need to spend time on. I believe that when I choose to be intentional with what I put my energy into, then I'll be serving the Lord in the best way possible!
So that's it for now. I'll talk to you all later! Have a great weekend!
Mariah xo