In the eye of the storm
Dear friends,
When I put this blog together, my target audience was women. But, this is a topic for everyone. We've all been dealing with this pandemic in different ways. Some of us continue to leave the house everyday because they have to physically be at work, some work from home, some have been furloughed, some are teaching via Zoom, some are trying to corral little ones at home. And then there are those who are sick, those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We have all been affected by COVID-19 in one way or another. None of us know what the outcome will be. We stand holding our breath waiting for an answer.
However, this is what I do know. I know that this will end eventually. I know there are good, hard working people trying desperately to find a vaccine. I know there has been so much good that has come out of this: people reading their Bibles (either again or for the first time), people helping their neighbors, checking in on friends and family, celebrities spending time reading to children and donating money, families given the gift of time together. And, the thing I am 1000% sure of is that God is in control. He is also the great healer and physician. There is a reason all this is happening. We don't understand why. But we can rest assured in that God has a plan and He uses everything for His good. That's not to say we can't be sad or scared or worried. We're human! Of course we're going to experience a bevy of emotions during this time. But we know that we will find the strength we need on our knees, praising God for His goodness and mercy in the eye of this storm.
In Him,
- Mariah xo