Lookin' for love
It has been almost an entire YEAR since I last posted! That's crazy town! I've been working hard so far this year to make changes that I've needed to make for a very long time. It's been a slow process but i'm NOT giving up. I'm very excited to see where this leads and I know that making these changes will glorify Jesus which is all I want and need to do!
Before all this started, I had made a decision (or so I thought) to join a dating website in the new year. However, as the day approached, I became more and more anxious. I briefly talked to a guy on Instagram but quickly determined that it just wasn't what I needed to do at that moment. In all honesty, I was and still am scared. I'm scared of the unknowns of dating. In this mindset, I know it's not the right time for me. When it is God's plan for me to date, I will. I know when that time comes, I'll have to trust Him implicitly with the unknowns and just take a leap of faith; not be so afraid.
On the flipside of that feeling, is one of weariness. I am weary of waiting to find love. I am weary of waiting to date. However, I know that it will happen in God's timing. And I know that God's timing is not my own. It's difficult sometimes to see my friends and acquaintances date, get married, and have children while I remain single. But, I know i'm not the only one who feels that way, even if it feels like I am from time to time.
So ladies, if today you are feeling like you're tired of being single, tired of being "alone", tired of waiting, then take this to heart: God has a plan for your life! Whatever He has planned for you is more wonderful than anything you could ever wish for! He loves you and wants a relationship with you! He is the greatest love you will ever know and if/when it comes time for you to find romantic love, He will show you the way.
Love and blessings,
Mariah xo