Cure for an empty heart
Hello ladies!
With Valentine’s Day coming up, I thought I’d do a themed post. I used to say I hated Valentine’s Day, especially after I was broken up with when I was 16. I referred to it as S.A.D. (Singles Awareness Day)...and I’ve been single ever since.
Some days it bothers me more than others but most days I’m too busy to think about it. But the days I do think about it, I feel a profound emptiness. It’s really hard sometimes to see people so happily in love. Know, I know relationships aren’t perfect and they’re a lot more work than movies give them credit for, but it’s still something I want eventually.
However, the thing is that even if it is God’s will for me to be in a relationship and eventually be married, that won’t fill the hole in my heart. There’s only One who can do so. The One who I call my Savior. Sometimes, it’s easy to think that if we only had this or were only dating this person or only had this job, then we’d be happy; we’d feel less empty. But that’s simply not the case. Jesus Christ is the only One who can take our emptiness away. He is the lover of our soul and He wants an intimate relationship with us. Interesting how the One who knows us the best, the One we can be most vulnerable with, is sometimes the same One we don’t run to when we feel less than whole. Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense when we stop to think about it. I think that’s because temporary fixes are instant. When we rely on God, we have to be patient sometimes; sometimes for a long time. And as people who live in a world of instant gratification, we don’t want to be patient.
But waiting on the Lord, even if it takes a while, will be well worth it. Because the truth is, that not only does He love us unconditionally, He also cares about what we care about and He wants what’s best for us.
So, next time you feel empty, next time you want to head for a temporary fix, stop and talk to Jesus. Tell Him how you’re feeling, speak from your heart. He knows. And He wants to fill us back up again. Now, this isn’t to say that you won’t still want things in your life or for your future, but when you make Jesus the center of your heart, your motivations will change.
Love and blessings,
Mariah xo