Glory to the newborn King
Hello ladies!
It’s been a but since my last post. With Christmas fast approaching, the only thing to talk about is, you guessed it...CHRISTMAS!!! I love this time of year. It’s cheerful and merry and colorful. I love Christmas lights, baking cookies, watching Christmas movies, music on the radio, fireplaces, decorating the tree, candlelight Christmas Eve service, the list goes on and on!
However, the most important, most wonderful thing about this season is celebrating Jesus’ birth. The story is truly amazing: a virgin conceives a child by the power of the Holy Spirit. A carpenter who took her as his wife. They traveled together to Bethlehem, a lowly little town and at one time, one of the most corrupt. Yet God chose it to be the birthplace of His Son. Shepherds, men who were considered to have one of the lowliest jobs, were the first to hear about Jesus’ birth and the first to see Him. The entire story is made up of parts that may have at the time seemed insignificant. Little did they know they would be part of the greatest message of ALL time. It amazes me that this is one of the stories that is still told today, thousands of years later and it is still loved by so many. Every time I hear it, it gives me chills. The fact that God, the Creator of the Universe, would send His ONLY Son down to earth to be born, to live, and to die a horribly painful and gruesome death astonishes me. Yet the story didn’t end there. He rose three days later, and now sits at the right hand of His Father and He will come again.
When we believe, accept, and repent, we receive Jesus into our hearts and lives and have the promise of salvation and everlasting life; a place in the heavenly kingdom when all is said and done. This is the hope of the Christmas story and this is why we celebrate. So no matter where you are or what you’re doing, take a moment to remember the true reason for Christmas and why we can be truly joyful this and every season of the year.
Merry Christmas!
Mariah xo