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Dear future husband...

Hey y'all! Here is post numero dos as promised.

If you've ever been on Pinterest, you know there is a HUGE amount of wedding themed goodness. Like many other women my age, I have a wedding board. My sister often teases me as I'm currently single (and have been since high school lol) BUT I just LOVE weddings! I'm a huge fan of Say Yes to the Dress, the Knot, and I love looking at wedding photos.

There are also a lot of pins about writing letters to your future spouse and some pretty heart-warming pics to go along with them (i'm not crying you are). This is in fact, something I would love to do! I will be writing a series of letter to my future husband but i'll keep those private. So this post will include some tips about how to write these letters and why it might be a good idea.

**Disclaimer: This purpose of this activity is to write out your thoughts and feelings to your future spouse. What you DON'T want to do is spend all your time on this activity. It can be very easy to get caught up in dreaming about your future husband but you don't to do so to the point that it takes over your life. (Cause you still have a life to live, girl! You go things to do for you!)**

Now on to the main point:

1. These letters can be done one of two ways or you can combine the two if you wish: You can either use these as introductory letters if y'all are single (like myself) or if you're already dating the man you know you're going to marry, they can be more personalized as you already know each other. OR you can start out the letters in an introductory style and then morph into the more personalized ones when you are dating/engaged to that special someone.

2. You can write about anything you want. You can write these letters in any fashion you want. For instance, you can write these letters once a month, once a year, once a week whatever you feel necessary and how ever much you feel you need to say. It can be difficult to write to someone you don't know so these letters will typically be about introducing yourself to them.

3. Don't tell them everything! Now you'll want somethings to say to your guy when you're dating and getting to know each other in person. Another thing that you probably don't want to talk about in your letter is your past. What I mean by this is that you'll eventually have to be honest with your significant other about things you've struggled with in the past because you need to be open and honest and have good communication. However, this is something you need to talk about in person no matter how awkward or hard you think it may be. This is also something you need to pray about. The Lord is the only ONE who can give you the words to speak. Try not to stress about this. Trust me, this is something I think about sometimes when I think about my future husband and honestly, focusing on something i'll have to do in the future without even dating anyone right now just causes unnecessary stress.

4. Write these letters from your heart. Don't write what you think he'll want to hear or what you think you should. By this I mean that only you and the Lord know your heart and your feelings. Show them in your letters. Allow yourself to be vulnerable because being in a relationship especially a marriage includes trusting and being vulnerable with another person and that's OK!

5. Don't stress yourself out about the future. While these letters are addressed to your future spouse, you are writing them in the present. One of the things I freak out about sometimes is "what if I don't get married?!?!" I've asked my mom this question a million times haha. And sometimes, I still stress about it. I try not to. Because one of the greatest desires of my heart is to be married to a Godly man who loves Jesus more than me and who will be my best friend and will love and honor me just as much as I love and honor him. I'm not sure when that will be but I know that not trusting in the Lord about it makes me miserable. SO, don't stress! Trust Jesus because He loves us and has a plan for our lives that is more wonderful than we could ever want!!!

SO in conclusion, writing a letter to your future guy is a fun way to express your feelings and introduce yourself. You for sure do NOT have to do this but it's definitely a cool activity. If you DO choose to do this, have fun with it and don't stress about it!

- Mariah xo

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