Like a child
Hello ladies!
I pray you have all had a fantastic week so far! I know I have. Tonight, I wanted to talk about childlike faith. I'm sure you've heard the term at one time or another in your life. If not, it basically means that we should strive to have faith like a child; trusting, innocent, loving, fearless. When I was at Liberty last year, the first semester I lived on campus. Our RAs came up with the theme of childlike faith for the year. To be honest, I never really got into it. I never stopped to ponder what it meant to truly have a faith that was childlike. Remember in the Bible where Jesus talks about letting the little children come to Him? I can imagine that those children knew in their heart of hearts who the Man was in front of them. And when they realized it, they ran to Him, with reckless abandon because they were so excited to be in His presence and feel His love. As children, we all have that innocence and love and trust about us. It just comes naturally. It is how God designed us. It never fails to amaze me how beautiful a child's faith is. There are no qualms, no hesitations, no worries, no negativity. It just is. Because their faith in Jesus is pure, untainted by the things of this world, Lord willing. I personally, have always been told by family and friends that I'm often like "a little kid"; I have this wonder about the world around me and little things like seeing the stars in the country or taking a road trip or gathering leaves excite me; i've always been that way and I think I always will. That's one of the things I love about my personality. On the flipside however, because I am an adult, because I have seen the things that are ugly and cruel and scary about this world, I have anxieties, fears, hesitations, the want to control, that hinders my faith. There's this song that I'll put the link down below for called "I wanna go back". It talks about being an adult and wanting to go back to the times of "Jesus loves me this I know" and Sunday School, and praising Jesus without any fear because it's not there as a child. We can learn so much from these precious children, whether infants or elementary school aged, three or thirteen. Children are often so wise and we don't even realize it. So, my challenge to all of us is to have a childlike faith. Run to Jesus like your life depends upon Him, because it DOES. Run to Him without fear; don't look back or around, just focus on our Savior. As He lifts you into His arms, laugh and sing. Dance for Jesus. Be a child. Because it is the truest form of faith. The purest and loveliest.
- Mariah xoxo