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School? Work? Planning? Stress? Talk to God

Hello ladies!

I pray you're all having a wonderful week so far. On Monday, I went back to school (sort of haha). I'm taking online classes through Liberty University. This week i've been getting back into a schedule as well as implementing some new good habits :) Next week, I begin teacher workweek for my new job as an assistant preschool teacher. Can I just say, I'm super tired?!? I can't wait to crawl into bed tonight lol. Anyways, this week I thought I would talk about getting back into the daily grind. Summer is pretty much over (I mean not technically but you get my point), and everyone is getting ready to go back to school and work. Just thinking about it can be stressful especially if you have a large family like I do. There's five of us living under one roof (#6 is away at college) and it can feel truly overcrowded, which doesn't help with the stress of homework, jobs, errands, going to the gym, eating healthy, managing money, etc, etc, etc. However, we don't have to allow the stressfulness of day to day life to overtake us. It's all about managing time. Now, obviously, there will be times when we cannot control time and things happen. But, mostly, we can use schedules and time to our advantage, at least concerning daily activities. For me, I know that having a schedule/timeline helps me A LOT! I'm the kind of person who gets VERY easily distracted so having things mapped out makes it a lot more manageable. Along with planning, we also have the Lord on our side. He is there every single second, every single minute of every single day. He WANTS us to talk to Him. A lot of times, especially when we feel overwhelmed, we forget to talk to Him unless it's our night time prayers or we really need something; we forget to thank Him for the day even if it's not going as planned. On the flip side, sometimes we don't even talk to Him when we DO need help; we try to manage it ourselves and fix it (just so you know, ultimately, we can't...been there, done that). But, we're missing the BIGGER picture here. Since God is here ALL the time, we can talk to Him ALL the time. There's no rule about specific times to talk to Him or what to talk to Him about; just TALK. Seriously. It's not hard like we make it out to be. SO, all this to say, plan out your time in the coming weeks. Take it day by day. Take a breath. And talk to our King. Wishing you a fantastic school/work year!


Mariah xoxo

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